Committing Elements and Relationships
Creating Future State Elements and Relationships in ServiceNow via Designer.
Designer Commit Role Required
Designer provides a seamless feature to combine current and future state data within one Diagram. Future state data can be "committed" into the ServiceNow repository.
Designer Commit role required
Committing Elements & Relationships are restricted to the role x_inpgh_des.commit by default. Please assign the appropriate right to users to provide them the rights to commit elements.
Committing Elements & Relationships require the following configuration in place (to be performed by ServiceNow and Designer Admin):
- Having Class Definitions and Cross Scope Privileges in place for the target tables.
- Associating a shape with a table with activated CREATE Cross-Scope Privileges.
- Setting Application Settings on Target Table to allow scoped applications with "Can Create" option.
Auto commit after final approval
The proposed approach is to activate the "Auto commit after final approval" within the Global Settings page. This will ensure, that all Future State Elements & Relationships will be automatically committed with the final approval step automatically.

Committing through the Diagrams Form
In some cases, it makes sense to allow a selected group of key users to commit manually Elements & Relationships without an approval of the Diagram.
Navigate to the Diagram Form through the Diagrams application menu and select the Diagram:

A βΒ The Commit button is only visible for users being part of the Designer Commit Group. Clicking this button will commit all the selected items.
B β Click to select all committable Elements & Relationships. Current State items will be ignored.
C β You can select/unselect individual items on demand.
D β Click on the columns to change sorting.
E β Search option within the Content area.
F β Designer distinguishes between Future & Current State, and Duplicate items. Committing duplicate Elements & Relationships is possible and to be configured in the Global Settings.
Commit Result Popup
After clicking the "Commit" button a popup window will show the results, if the commit process was successfully. For Elements & Relationships where the CREATE option on the table is not allowed error messages can appear.

Editing the Diagram
Once the Element(s)/Relationship(s) are committed, click on the Edit button to open the Diagram in the Designer.

During the loading process Designer will compare the changes happened to the Diagram and will highlight newly committed Elements & Relationships, and if any Current State Elements & Relationships have been deleted. All changes are highlighted with the red dotted lines.
Confirming Changes
The popup information with the changes will appear every time until the Diagram is saved (CTRL+S).
Duplicate Handling
Please note, that Duplicate Elements have been updated and connected to the real Element automatically! They will disappear from the list as duplicates, as Designer has recognized them and related the shape to the real Element.
Updated over 2 years ago